Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Found it!
Made an offer on it. Bank counter-offered.
We accepted.
Closing Dec 12 .

Don't mind the drunk girl dancing in the streets its just lil 'o me.

It's not perfect. It needs a good scrub, and some basic TLC. (flooring, paint, possibly appliances) Oddly it also needs door knobs on damn-near every door in the place.

Yeh. I have no idea either. Any thoughts?

Anyway, it's a 3 level 2400sqft townhome. It's not our dream home but it will do for a good long time. Actually, I can't say I even know what my dream home would be. I guess I'll know it when I find it.

Now, if only I wasn't so horribly worried about the economy - I would be hooting and dancing in the streets at the same time.


Delora said...

WOOHOOO! Only downside is you'll be packing during Christmas, but meh, you have a house!! Regarding the doorknobs, I wonder if it wasn't an older person with arthritis, though I'd have to question why someone who has difficulties opening doors is living in a 3 story house. Ehh, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Still baffled by the whole doorknob thing.

Can't wait for your housewarming party.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! So happy for you and Matt. Let me know if we can do anything for you!

Lumpyheadsmom said...

Hooray! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

BTW - pictures of said place will be posted or linked when? That way we have a before view... And, also, welcome to home ownership. It's great at the exact same time is sucks. But Corey and I are pretty good painters (Corey is great at trim work)so when you are ready...