Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hungover House Shopping

Yep. It was exactly what the title says it was.

Note to Self and a warning to all my internet friends:
Do not drink waaaaaaaay too much the night before you have to get up early to start house shopping. It's a very stupid -STUUUUUUPID - thing to do.

Oh Sweet Jeeebus. Sweet sweet jeeebus. Yesterday was NOT a fun day.
See, Matt and I went to a local establishment the night before with some of my co-workers to watch the USF v Kansas football game (We won. Go BULLS!) and because of this, we did not enjoy the house shopping experience as much as I thought we would. I just wanted to lay in my bed, in my comfy clothes with a cold towel on my forehead, my eyes closed and my mind blank. Matt just wanted to be in his recliner sipping a huge glass of cold water in a very air conditioned apartment. Alas, we could not. We had made arrangements for the explorations into a future home. So there we were - all red eyed and snarly tailed - taking notes, asking questions and snapping pictures. By the time we were done, Matt had begun to bounce back. Me? Not so much. Although somehow, I managed to hold it together the entire time, (pure force of will my friends, pure.force.of.will!) and completely fell apart when we got home.

We managed to make it through all 10 properties and actually found a few prospects. There is one location that we liked best and considering making an offer on. It needs flooring (right now a good steam clean will work for our needs), painting and a good scrub, but I can see us happy there for several years. I'll keep you posted on how things go. Wish us luck.

Oh! and if I ever get all tanked up the night before house shopping again - I hope one of you will come slap some sense into me and remind me that I am old enough to know better because apparently, I forget.


Delora said...

Aren't we all old enough to know better?

Good luck on deciding on a place. In hindsight, you're brilliant for renting for a while before buying, since the rates plummeted last week. Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

I have never done the whole hungover house shopping, but I did the whole hungover while flying and then going to Bucs game yesterday. If you felt as bad as I did, I'm sorry. It was miserable. But the good side to your story is that you may have found a good place! yay!