Saturday, August 16, 2008


Does this story make anyone else cringe?

The thought of having 7 newborns makes me nauseous. SEVEN?????!!!!!
That's counting with TWO hands, people.
Matt and I have been talking about starting a family soon.**
I can't imagine what we would think or do if faced with having a large number of newborns.
What are your thoughts?

**This one statement just made both of our Mothers unnaturally happy.


Anonymous said...

I keep joking to Corey that we should have 8 kids- like that show on TLC- Jon & Kate Plus 8. He keeps drinking more beer. Maybe that's why we haven't gotten married yet... I used to actually want a large family (5-6 kids), but now if we have 2, I'll be shocked.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I don't think anybody really needs to ask me how sick to my stomach this story makes me.

I had to quit watching Super Nanny and go lay down one time just because the family had three sets of twins. I felt sick for a week.

Lumpyheadsmom said...

I can barely handle one newborn, and my husband is home full-time.

Anonymous said...

P.S. They already had 3 girls!