Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pre-wedding Funnies

Funny #1:

The weekend before we picked up my engagement ring, Matt and I were out running errands. As we drove along, he asked me if I was excited to pick up my ring.**

I looked at him confused, and said, "What ring!? "

**In my defense, what I heard him ask was if I decided to get a ring. Which caused my confusion because, we already did that, right?

Funny #2

Matt and I, his parents and my sister went cake tasting together. The lady helping us at the counter was gathering important information from me like time, date, location, etc. of the wedding. When she asked me what date the wedding was, I said August 19th.** I have no idea why August popped into my head. It wasn't even a month we were considering when we were trying to pick a date.

**Our wedding date is APRIL 19th.

1 comment:

Reba said...

You still owe me $100.00!