Sunday, December 9, 2007


aka: Goon Squad Sarah
Every one has one of these friends right? You know, “that” friend. The one you’ve known forever. The brutally honest - will tell you your new haircut is awful, the outfit you just tried on should stay on the hanger and your boyfriend is a jerk - person. The one you call to help you understand you. This is my “that” friend.

Sarah and I have been friends since our Sophomore year of high school. (For those of you counting at home, that was approximately 20 years ago). We met in Spanish class when I told her (keep in mind that we didn’t know each other at this point) the new friend she was hanging around would betray her. Her new friend had once been my friend and liked to spread rumors about me. (RUDE!) Sarah gave me that “get away from me you freak and stop talking trash about my friends” look.

A short time later, a horrified Sarah approached me and told me exactly what I already knew. We’ve been friends ever since. Our friendship was sealed when she accidentally told me a deep dark secret that she had told no one else. She swore me to secrecy and to this day, I’ve never breathed a word of it. (I doubt it matters now but still, a secret is a secret).

I learned very quickly that she was a real person. That sounds weird, right? Think back to high school – no one was comfortable in who they were much less knew who they were. Everyone was trying to be someone or something else. Sarah wasn’t that way and I appreciated it. That and her brutal honesty made me instantly adore her and being her friend.

We've had more fun and laughter together through the years than should be allowed. We’ve grown up together. We've probably influenced each others lives more than either of us realize. She is the one person I call when I’m laughing at something completely inappropriate because she will immediately know what I see so amusing in it – and laugh with me. She is the one person I call for any reason. We don’t have to talk every day or see each other all the time to know that we can just call out of the blue and say “Hi” and it will always be welcomed. I love knowing that there is someone out there that is nothing more and nothing less than a simple yet extraordinary friend. My favorite things about her? She is honest, trustworthy, smart, funny, true and one of the most beautiful people I know. She is who she is, says what she means and makes no bones about it. Period. She doesn't beat around the bush. If she considers you a friend, that means you get the full benefit of her friendship - whatever it may be.

When I asked Sarah to be a Bridesmaid, she said "I would be honored to. I would wear an orange butt bow for you." Which says A LOT to me and just so you know, I'm still considering the orange butt bow thing - she offered and it would make me laugh hysterically. Either way, I am honored to know her, be called her friend and have her standing with me.

And she can’t deny that she knows me or has known me for a ridiculously long time, I have proof. Yes, that's us. Circa 1990. Approximate age, 17. I have more where this came from.

OH! She is also the one in charge of pinching my sister if she starts to cry during the wedding. Just so you know.
*Edit: We drink much better beer now. There aren't too many beers worse than Bud in a can. And lets face it, at 17, you either don't know what good beer is or can't get the good stuff so you take what you get.


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Awwwwwww. Thanks.

And I would wear an orange butt bow for you, but I think it would look silly with the dresses we picked.

Reba said...

Ok fine.

...but who's in charge of pinching mom?