Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pre-wedding Funnies #2

Funny #3

Matt and I were in the library looking at a book of wedding vows which he was reading quietly to me as I was perusing other books. He came upon a Celtic wedding vow that began, "I vow to give you the first cut of my meat." He chuckled, looked at me and said, "And twoooooooooo Poh-Ta-Toes".

Hee hee. Hee hee hee ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

We didn't get past that line. In fact, we had to leave the library. We were laughing so hard, it was hard to keep quiet. It still makes us laugh.

Funny #4

Matt and I were searching the internet tonight for wedding vows when we stumbled upon these gems.
"I take thee to be my (wife/husband) and pledge thee my troth..."
Matt looked at me and said (in his best southern drawl) "You ain't gettin' none of my troth, that sounds goooooood."

We also found, "...getting to know the (man/woman) you will become...".
Um, I'm not sure I signed up for a "man/woman". In fact, I just checked the contract and it clearly states that I am to receive 1 man and he 1 woman. None of this mixture business. Otherwise, I will demand a full refund. And therapy.

I could go on, but I think you already see what we're up against here. Would someone please come help us!? We are clearly losing our minds and my cheeks hurt from laughing too much tonight.


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

You should add that one in... the potato part.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Oh, man. I'm terrified to start on the vows.

I can't imagine anything overly serious coming out of our mouths in front of everyone. We'd snort and giggle and ruin the whole moment!