Monday, July 28, 2008

And the Hunt Begins

Matt and I have started the drive-by routine.
You know the one:

1. Drive past the neighborhood
2. Drive around the neighborhood
3. Drive through the neighborhood
4. Repeat at night (because that's when all the creepies come out - like us)
5. Sit outside of various residences entering the address into your iphone to see if you can afford to live in that area.

Rinse, Repeat

Oh. Did I say afford?
I make me laugh.

We've only just begun and I can already see myself making lists, taking pictures, cataloging, color-coding, budgeting and analyzing. (yeh, just a touch of OCD) By the time I'm done with it, I will have thoroughly violated the potential home. In my defense, it's not like apartment hunting where you can move out when your lease is up if you don't like it. You're just plain stuck with it.

Anyone have any tips, advice, stories?

Wish us luck - lots of luck. Oh, and money. Please. Ok? Thanks.


Delora said...

I've lived in the NoVA area for 26yrs now, so feel free to ask me about particular neighborhoods you may be looking at. (BTW, hi, I followed you from Sarah's blog a few months ago. Welcome to the area!)

Lumpyheadsmom said...

My husband has been house shopping since last summer. It's been both fun and a HUGE pain in the butt. Good luck on your search!

Anonymous said...

The house across the street from me is for sale. If lumpyheadsmom won't buy it, you should.