Thursday, May 21, 2009

Little One

Dear Little One,

When I found out I was pregnant, I demanded it be a boy. There was never a question in my mind, it just had to be a boy. What was I going to do with a girl? I've never been real good at being a one myself.

As our Ultrasound date approached, I began to brace myself for and come to terms with the words "It's a girl". I was worried that I would be disappointed and so was Matt. I didn't want to feel that way. I had to be okay with those few words.

Today, we saw your legs, arms, fingers, toes, belly, bones, and nose. Even your beating heart and other organs. There were measurements taken and pictures printed. Everything is right where it should be and looks perfectly healthy. A little on the long side perhaps but considering your Dad is a mere 6'6" in height, I had already planned on having a long baby.

Then I saw your face and it no longer mattered what your secret parts were. If you were a boy, we would do boy things then cuddle when you were sure that no one was watching. (I won't tell, I promise) If you were a girl, you could be my tom-boy and climb trees with a pink ribbon in your hair. It no longer mattered to me.

The Ultrasound tech said the words, "It's a girl" and I smiled. I wasn't disappointed, I was happy. You have the sweetest face, with my nose. You are already sleeping just like your Daddy with your hands behind your head. Your name will be Stella Maris. We love that name. We love you.


P.S. If you chose to be a ribbons and lace type of girl, I ask for your patience, understanding and forgiveness if I woefully fail to live up to your expectations - your Momma preferred climbing trees to playing with dolls.


Unknown said...

That letter made me cry! Your daughter is a lucky little girl to have such loving parents!

Jen said...

You really ought to put a warning telling us that there is an "Emotional Post Ahead"... I am so happy for you both, and if the little Stella Maris happens to be a ribbons and lace kind of girl, I have complete and utter confidence that you'll fulfill all her wishes.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I cannot believe you just made me cry.


I have this picture on my phone. I've been staring at her for two days now. I showed all of my neighbors. (They are all very excited for you guys.)

I can't wait to meet Stella. She is beautiful and I know I will love her. How could I not love someone that was made by two of my favorite people in the world?

ps- It really looks like she is wearing a t-shirt.

pps - I can hear the grandmothers freaking out about their granddaughter from here.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

ppps - I knew she was going to be a girl. Your family has already fulfilled its quota of boys in this generation.

Delora said...

What a sweet post. I'm sure you will be exactly the mom that little Stella needs; ribbons or tree-climbing. When I found out I was having a boy during my first pregnancy, I freaked out. I only had sisters; I didn't know anything about boys! How on earth was I going to mother a boy. But you know what? It doesn't matter; they let you know what they need.

I just found out this week that I'm expecting again (and omg, I'm outing myself on a stranger's blog!), and am having the same panicked thoughts. I'm sure I'm having another boy, because I know boys. But girls are cute, and I know girls. So it'll all work out.

Lumpyheadsmom said...

Yay, Stella! You're beautiful.