Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cut a hole in the box...

Put your cat in the box.

As you can tell, instant cat heaven! Any given time I look into this box, there is a different cat in it. It is their very own personal sanctuary and I, I have a box in my dining room. (eyes rolling)

Yes, I know. We can buy a cat thingamabob or two that won’t be as nearly as unsightly as a cardboard box, but we’ve tried all those things. They are just NOT interested, won’t even look at it. It is beneath them. But a box!, an average, every day, jo-blow cardboard box with a hole cut in it - TREASURE!

And Emperor Iddle (top) has NO problem reaching a royal paw into *his* royal box and smacking the dickens out of any other cat who has so foolishly dared entering said box when he sees fit.

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